JPMorgan Sees Gold at $1,800 By Mid 2013

For the month, the falls yesterday led to gold being 0.4% lower in dollar terms in January. It was also lower in euro terms but eked out strong gains against the pound and Japanese yen both of which saw falls on international markets. On the week, while gold is lower...

Gold, It’s Not Just for Inflation Anymore

You’ve probably seen or heard the commercials. Now is the time to buy the only safe investment asset: gold. Gold crossed the $1,800 an ounce mark in September, and it seemed like $2,000 was a fait accompli. The gold bugs were out in force. So far, though, that fait...

Gold’s Bull Market Still Looking Good

Well, the gold price did it again…. It’s now official, gold has been up for 12 consecutive years.  It closed December up 7% from a year ago. Silver closed up over 8% from a year ago.  This indirectly says the stellar silver rise in 2010, which was its best year...