There is not just a similarity in how gold and silver trade at the same time period, but also how they trade at similar milestones, despite the fact that those milestones are sometimes reached at different times. This can cause silver or gold to be the leading indicator, depending on the particular milestone. The 1980 peak for both gold and silver is definitely an important milestone. For this 1980 milestone, gold is undoubtedly the leading indicator (since gold has already passed its 1980 high), so it could help us to project what silver might do around this milestone.

Market conditions often cause silver to fall behind gold, for quite some time, where after, silver normally catches-up in a big way. The fact that silver is still caught-up in a trading range lower than its 1980 high, at least four years longer than gold already, provides a classic opportunity for silver to follow that “catching-up pattern” and zoom to multiples of its 1980 high. In my opinion, silver will do just that and move much faster than gold in percentage terms, over the next months.

With gold having passed $1700 (twice the 1980 high of $850) already, given the above analysis, it stands to reason that $100 (twice the 1980 high of $50) silver could be virtually guaranteed.

Gold and silver made similar patterns before and after reaching their respective 1980 highs. From the charts, you can see there is a similarity in how gold and silver approached their 1980 high. Both made a triangle-type pattern just before they reached their respective 1980 all-time highs. When price came out of those triangle patterns, it rallied strongly to the 1980 highs, which started the formation of flag-type (pennant) patterns.

Gold passed its 1980 all-time high during 2008, while silver is yet to do so. By looking at the pattern of how gold passed its 1980 high, we can predict how silver might do it as well. If silver continues to follow the pattern that gold formed, then we can expect a massive spike towards the $50 and beyond, very soon. We are very likely in that move to $50, given that the silver price has broken out of the pennant to the up-side. My long-term silver fractal analysis report provides more details on what levels silver is likely to reach over the next years.

The $50 level can be compared to the water level, when you hold a beach under water and it starts moving upwards. When it passes the water level, it will move faster since it will now only have air as resistance, instead of water. 

Hubert Moolman – Wealthwire – September 18, 2012