Silver Eagles Soar!

In World War I severe material shortages played havoc with production schedules and caused lengthy delays in implementing programs. This led to development of the Harbord List – a list of 42 materials deemed critical to the military. After World War II the United...

Gold climbs with euro on hopes for Greek deal

(Reuters) – Gold prices rose more than half a percent on Monday as growing optimism that European leaders will sign off on a rescue deal for Greece lifted the euro, and after China’s central bank further loosened monetary policy. Spot gold was up 0.6...

Fed to Devalue the Dollar by 33%

The Fed is joining forces with the big banks. After their most recent two-day meeting, the announcement has been made official and the message is clear; the dollar will be tanking in no time. Over the next two decades, the Fed aims to devalue the dollar by at least...

PRECIOUS – Gold Falls As Fears Over Greece Dent Euro

LONDON, Feb 16 (Reuters) – Gold fell for the sixth time in seven days on Thursday, under pressure from the drop in the euro after European officials delayed a decision on a bailout package for Greece, which fuelled fears the country could face a chaotic default....

The Gold Forecast: The Running of the Bulls Part III

  The Gold Forecast: The Running of the Bulls Part III By Gary Wagner       Feb 10 2012 2:21PM For the moment there is silence. The tremendous rally seen recently in gold has been waning. Choppy price action is evident as gold forms a base just...