When traders think the dollar’s in trouble their first instinct is to trade commodities. Suddenly a bid is put in for silver, gold, oil, copper, natural gas… basically anything bought and sold in International markets makes sense when the greenback is in peril. That being the case, when Ben Bernanke and the Fed vowed to Quantitative Ease for the foreseeable future it sent precious metals screaming higher at a pace not seen in more than a year.

Jeff “Killir” Kilburg, founder and CEO of Killir Kapital Management says the move in metals is just getting cranked up. In the attached clip he explains that it’s “game on” for gold now that it’s finally broken out of the $1,575 – $1,642 range he discussed with Breakout last June. “I continue to see gold shine higher,” Kilburg says with a glitter in his eye. The first stop is old highs at $1,925. After that he’s “all about the $2,000 price target.”

No rush, however. Having moved 10% in a month the smart play is picking away at the barbaric yellow metal as it “hovers” until after the election. A way to play in the meantime is buying the long-suffering metals miners. Among these Kilburg is taking a particular shine to NovaGold (NG), a name in which famed fund manager John Paulson has a huge position.

As for gold’s more industrial, less precious, generally volatile little brother silver, Kilburg is less excited about the metal outright. Silver is more of a trading play than gold, making it dangerous ground for those not tethered to a trading pit all day.

Those looking to get involved with silver are better off getting long a basket of the miners via the Global X Silver Miners ETF (SIL). The ETF isn’t for the feint of heart either, but for silver buyers it offers a link to a real business, giving SIL a slight separation from the deep end of the speculative pool where silver traders swim.

Jeff Macke – Yahoo Finance – September 19, 2012